I've added pictures to the recent entries, going back as far as the middle of March. I think that's when that entry was written. You can check them out. It should make what is written more interesting. And the next large chunk of time I have, I plan to put pictures from the Stations of the Cross that we did on St. Peter's Square on Good Friday. There are a lot.
At 10:35 PM, Madeline said…
Hi, Heather!
My name is Madeline, and I am a young adult Catholic who heard about the ESM recently... I am very interested in learning more about the ESM and wanted to see if you wouldn't mind sharing some of your experience with me? I google searched the school and found your blog...hope that doesn't sound strange! :) I am currently interning with the Theology of the Body Institute here outside of Philly, and would love to learn more about this opportunity to be formed as a missionary, if the Lord desires, for the future.
Peace and Blessings!
:) Madeline
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